Birla Opus Paints, a division of Grasim Industries, has launched its fourth state-of-the-art factory in Chamarajnagar, Karnataka, with an annual production capacity of 230 million litres per annum (MLPA). This new facility increases the company’s total manufacturing capacity to 866 MLPA, propelling it to become the second-largest player in India’s decorative paints sector by installed capacity.
The plant will produce water-based paints, enamel paints and wood finishes. The water-based paints will utilise advanced in-house emulsions with cutting-edge polymer synthesis technology, offering features like multi-stain resistance, crack-bridging and high scrub-resistance.
The solvent-based paints will use proprietary resins designed for superior corrosion resistance and durability. The plant operates with zero liquid discharge and is equipped with advanced fourth-generation manufacturing technologies for efficient supply chain management, defect-free production, and full product traceability.