WhatsApp recently kicked off WhatsApp Bharat Yatra, a first-of-its-kind initiative aimed at providing on-ground, in-person training to small businesses across the country. The mobile bus tour is designed to help small businesses fully leverage the capabilities of WhatsApp, enhancing their digital skills and business growth potential.
Starting with Delhi-NCR, the bus will visit some of the region’s most popular and busy markets, including key hubs in Gurugram and Noida. The WhatsApp-branded bus will travel across India to Agra, Lucknow, Kanpur, Indore, Ahmedabad, Surat, Nashik and Mysuru.
Small and medium businesses will benefit from interactive demos, hands-on personalized training – to get support creating their business profiles, setting up a catalogue and creating an ad that clicks to start a WhatsApp chat.
There will be expert guidance on leveraging the WhatsApp Business app’s key features to establish WhatsApp presence small businesses, better connect with their customers, close sales, grow their business and enhance their operations.