imos India, in collaboration with its partners IMA-Schelling, Biesse and Ornare, recently hosted a Technology Day in Delhi. The event celebrated the strides made in the furniture industry, showcasing innovative software solutions, cutting-edge machinery, and the seamless integration of sales and production technologies.
A major focus of the event was the integration of the iX NET point-of-sale system with iX Manufacturing solutions. iX NET’s internet-based technology enhances the sales, presentation and ordering processes with innovative eBusiness solutions tailored to the unique needs of the Indian market.
The seamless integration of sales data with manufacturing and production workflows was a key topic, emphasising automation and efficiency.
The integration of new technologies continues to reshape the furniture industry. The iX Showcase cloud service exemplifies this transformation by enabling customers and interior designers to view detailed 3D models of furniture designs on their smartphones or tablets, enhancing the buying and decision-making process.
iX Scout, another innovative cloud service, facilitates efficient communication and process management during order processing. Acting as a digital assistant, iX Scout provides clear, online access to all design and manufacturing data, eliminating the need for printed documents and ensuring streamlined workflows across departments.
Partner presentations
Partner presentations also highlighted the latest advancements in the industry. Ornare showcased its latest digitised design surfaces within imos iFurn, highlighting the synergy between aesthetics and technology.
Biesse provided insights into the evolving market for furniture machinery and its pivotal role in India’s furniture manufacturing sector, while IMA-Schelling presented advancements in highly automated production processes for custom furniture parts, setting the stage for future developments in India.
The event also emphasized education and training in digital technologies. The The Furniture and Fittings Skill Council team conducted extensive training sessions in collaboration with imos India.